Trust-Tech TotalCare ASSISTE NETTOIE OPTIMISE SÉCURISE Votre environnement informatique.

Obtenez GRATUITEMENT un bilan de santé de votre appareil

Scan – Correction – Enregistrement


Comment Ca Marche ?








Our Plans

Choisissez le forfait qui vous convient !

Un contrôle et une réparation GRATUITS de l’état de l’appareil par l’un de nos assistants d’assistance.

Si un diagnostic et un nettoyage plus approfondis sont nécessaires, un plan de sécurité et de support actif est nécessaire avant de pouvoir vous connecter avec l’un de nos experts certifiés Windows, Android, iOS ou MAC !

  • Heures d'ouverture
    Heures d'ouverture
  • Aide et assistance de professionnels informatiques certifiés
    Nous vous aidons à résoudre les problèmes de votre ordinateur. Toutes vos questions répondues !
    Aide et assistance de professionnels informatiques certifiés
    Nous vous aidons à résoudre les problèmes de votre ordinateur. Toutes vos questions répondues !
  • Temps de réponse (à partir de la création du ticket)
    Notre réponse à vos problèmes informatiques
    Temps de réponse (à partir de la création du ticket)
    Notre réponse à vos problèmes informatiques
  • TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security
    TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security
  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention
    TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention
  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.
    TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.
  • Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.
    Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.
  • Optimization
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.
  • Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.
    Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.
  • OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.
    OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.
  • Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.
    Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.
  • Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you
    Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you
  • VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else
    VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else
  • Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.
    Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.
  • Heures d'ouverture
    10h00 - 18h00 / Lun - Ven
  • Aide et assistance de professionnels informatiques certifiés
    Nous vous aidons à résoudre les problèmes de votre ordinateur. Toutes vos questions répondues !
    2 heures par mois
  • Temps de réponse (à partir de la création du ticket)
    Notre réponse à vos problèmes informatiques
    Le même jour
  • TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security

  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention

  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.

  • Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.

  • Optimization
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.

  • Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.
  • OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.
  • Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.
  • Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you
  • VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else
  • Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.
  • Heures d'ouverture
    08h00 - 21h00 / Lun - Ven
  • Aide et assistance de professionnels informatiques certifiés
    Nous vous aidons à résoudre les problèmes de votre ordinateur. Toutes vos questions répondues !
    5 heures par mois
  • Temps de réponse (à partir de la création du ticket)
    Notre réponse à vos problèmes informatiques
    Maximum 3 heures
  • TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security

  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention

  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.

  • Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.

  • Optimization
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.

  • Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.

  • OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.

  • Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.

  • Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you


  • VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else
  • Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.
  • Heures d'ouverture
    08h00 — 21h00 / 365 jours
  • Aide et assistance de professionnels informatiques certifiés
    Nous vous aidons à résoudre les problèmes de votre ordinateur. Toutes vos questions répondues !
    Nombre d'heures illimité
  • Temps de réponse (à partir de la création du ticket)
    Notre réponse à vos problèmes informatiques
  • TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security

  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention

  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.

  • Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.

  • Optimization
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.

  • Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.

  • OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.

  • Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.

  • Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you


  • VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else

  • Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.


  • 36 mois (3 ans) à l'avance + 24 mois GRATUITS
    36 mois (3 ans) à l'avance + 24 mois GRATUITS
  • 24 mois (2 ans) à l'avance + 12 mois GRATUITS
    24 mois (2 ans) à l'avance + 12 mois GRATUITS
  • 12 mois (1 an) à l'avance + 3 mois GRATUITS
    12 mois (1 an) à l'avance + 3 mois GRATUITS
  • 6 mois à l'avance
    6 mois à l'avance
  • 36 mois (3 ans) à l'avance + 24 mois GRATUITS

    13.31 € / mois

    60 mois / 799 €

  • 24 mois (2 ans) à l'avance + 12 mois GRATUITS

    17.48 € / mois

    36 mois / 629 €

  • 12 mois (1 an) à l'avance + 3 mois GRATUITS

    29.94 € / mois

    15 mois / 449 €

  • 6 mois à l'avance

    44.85 € / mois

    6 mois / 269 €

  • 36 mois (3 ans) à l'avance + 24 mois GRATUITS

    14.79 € / mois

    60 mois / 889 €

  • 24 mois (2 ans) à l'avance + 12 mois GRATUITS

    21.22 € / mois

    36 mois / 764 €

  • 12 mois (1 an) à l'avance + 3 mois GRATUITS

    39.53 € / mois

    15 mois / 593 €

  • 6 mois à l'avance

    52.35 € / mois

    6 mois / 314 €

  • 36 mois (3 ans) à l'avance + 24 mois GRATUITS

    19.49 € / mois

    60 mois / 1169 €

  • 24 mois (2 ans) à l'avance + 12 mois GRATUITS

    24.97 € / mois

    36 mois / 899 €

  • 12 mois (1 an) à l'avance + 3 mois GRATUITS

    41.94 € / mois

    15 mois / 629 €

  • 6 mois à l'avance

    59.85 € / mois

    6 mois / 359 €

Google Reviews

Ce que nos utilisateurs disent de notre service


7,976 reviews
Lucie M.
Lucie M.
Trust Technology m'a offert le meilleur service client ! je reviendrai vraiment incroyable, merci beaucoup !!!
Katty L.
Katty L.
Trust Tech was extremely helpful and very patient with my husband to resolve our issue.
Nathalia P.
Nathalia P.
La experiencia fue excelente para resolver mi problema hoy.
George BA.
George BA.
Representative did an excellent job working with myself and cleaning and upgrading my computer
Jose Ar.
Jose Ar.
¡Fue muy útil! Pude hacer funcionar mi impresora. Fue de gran ayuda y ahora puedo seguir imprimiendo! Gracias.

Sécurité et support informatique pour aider les utilisateurs finaux et les entreprises
vivez une expérience sans souci avec tout ce qui concerne la technologie.


Sans titre

Trust-Tech TotalCare SUPPORT CLEAN UP OPTIMIZE SECURE your entire IT environment.

Get FREE Device Health check

Scan – Fix – User registration


How Does It Work ?








Our Plans

Choose The Right Plan for You !

A FREE Device Health check and fix by one of our support assistants.

If more thorough diagnostics and clean-up is needed it requires an active Security and Support Plan before you can get connected with one of our certified Windows, Android, iOS or MAC experts!

  • Hours of operation
    Hours of operation
  • Help and Support from certified IT professionals
    We help fixing issues in your computer. All your questions answered!
    Help and Support from certified IT professionals
    We help fixing issues in your computer. All your questions answered!
  • Response Time (from ticket creation)
    Our response to your computer issues or problems
    Response Time (from ticket creation)
    Our response to your computer issues or problems
  • TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security
    TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security
  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention
    TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention
  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.
    TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.
  • Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.
    Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.
  • Optimization
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.
  • Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.
    Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.
  • OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.
    OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.
  • Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.
    Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.
  • Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you
    Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you
  • VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else
    VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else
  • Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.
    Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.
  • Hours of operation
    10:00 — 18:00 / Monday - Friday
  • Help and Support from certified IT professionals
    We help fixing issues in your computer. All your questions answered!
    2 Hours per month
  • Response Time (from ticket creation)
    Our response to your computer issues or problems
    Same day
  • TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security

  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention

  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.

  • Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.

  • Optimization
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.

  • Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.
  • OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.
  • Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.
  • Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you
  • VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else
  • Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.
  • Hours of operation
    08:00 - 21:00 / Monday - Friday
  • Help and Support from certified IT professionals
    We help fixing issues in your computer. All your questions answered!
    5 Hours per month
  • Response Time (from ticket creation)
    Our response to your computer issues or problems
    Maximum 3 hours
  • TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security

  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention

  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.

  • Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.

  • Optimization
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.

  • Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.

  • OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.

  • Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.

  • Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you


  • VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else
  • Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.
  • Hours of operation
    08:00 — 21:00 / 365 Days
  • Help and Support from certified IT professionals
    We help fixing issues in your computer. All your questions answered!
    Unlimited number of hours
  • Response Time (from ticket creation)
    Our response to your computer issues or problems
  • TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security

  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention

  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.

  • Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.

  • Optimization
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.

  • Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.

  • OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.

  • Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.

  • Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you


  • VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else

  • Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.


  • 36 months (3 years) in advance + 24 months FREE
    36 months (3 years) in advance + 24 months FREE
  • 24 months (2 years) in advance + 12 months FREE
    24 months (2 years) in advance + 12 months FREE
  • 12 months (1 year) in advance + 3 months FREE
    12 months (1 year) in advance + 3 months FREE
  • 6 months in advance
    6 months in advance
  • 36 months (3 years) in advance + 24 months FREE

    13.31 € / month

    60 months / 799 €

  • 24 months (2 years) in advance + 12 months FREE

    17.48 € / month

    36 months / 629 €

  • 12 months (1 year) in advance + 3 months FREE

    29.94 € / month

    15 months / 449 €

  • 6 months in advance

    44.85 € / month

    6 months / 269 €

  • 36 months (3 years) in advance + 24 months FREE

    14.79 € / month

    60 months / 889 €

  • 24 months (2 years) in advance + 12 months FREE

    21.22 € / month

    36 months / 764 €

  • 12 months (1 year) in advance + 3 months FREE

    39.53 € / month

    15 months / 593 €

  • 6 months in advance

    52.35 € / month

    6 months / 314 €

  • 36 months (3 years) in advance + 24 months FREE

    19.49 € / month

    60 months / 1169 €

  • 24 months (2 years) in advance + 12 months FREE

    24.97 € / month

    36 months / 899 €

  • 12 months (1 year) in advance + 3 months FREE

    41.94 € / month

    15 months / 629 €

  • 6 months in advance

    59.85 € / month

    6 months / 359 €

Google Reviews

What our users say about our service


7,976 reviews
Nathalia P.
Nathalia P.
La experiencia fue excelente para resolver mi problema hoy.
Katty L.
Katty L.
Trust Tech was extremely helpful and very patient with my husband to resolve our issue.
Lucie M.
Lucie M.
Trust Technology m'a offert le meilleur service client ! je reviendrai vraiment incroyable, merci beaucoup !!!
George BA.
George BA.
Representative did an excellent job working with myself and cleaning and upgrading my computer
Jose Ar.
Jose Ar.
¡Fue muy útil! Pude hacer funcionar mi impresora. Fue de gran ayuda y ahora puedo seguir imprimiendo! Gracias.

IT Security and Support helping end users and businesses
have a worry-free experience with all things tech.

Don't miss NEWS & TIPS

Sans titre

Trust-Tech TotalCare ASSISTE NETTOIE OPTIMISE SÉCURISE Votre environnement informatique.

Obtenez GRATUITEMENT un bilan de santé de votre appareil

Scan – Correction – Enregistrement


Comment Ca Marche ?








Our Plans

Choisissez le forfait qui vous convient !

Un contrôle et une réparation GRATUITS de l’état de l’appareil par l’un de nos assistants d’assistance.

Si un diagnostic et un nettoyage plus approfondis sont nécessaires, un plan de sécurité et de support actif est nécessaire avant de pouvoir vous connecter avec l’un de nos experts certifiés Windows, Android, iOS ou MAC !

  • Heures d'ouverture
    Heures d'ouverture
  • Aide et assistance de professionnels informatiques certifiés
    Nous vous aidons à résoudre les problèmes de votre ordinateur. Toutes vos questions répondues !
    Aide et assistance de professionnels informatiques certifiés
    Nous vous aidons à résoudre les problèmes de votre ordinateur. Toutes vos questions répondues !
  • Temps de réponse (à partir de la création du ticket)
    Notre réponse à vos problèmes informatiques
    Temps de réponse (à partir de la création du ticket)
    Notre réponse à vos problèmes informatiques
  • TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security
    TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security
  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention
    TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention
  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.
    TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.
  • Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.
    Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.
  • Optimization
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.
  • Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.
    Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.
  • OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.
    OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.
  • Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.
    Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.
  • Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you
    Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you
  • VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else
    VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else
  • Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.
    Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.
  • Heures d'ouverture
    10h00 - 18h00 / Lun - Ven
  • Aide et assistance de professionnels informatiques certifiés
    Nous vous aidons à résoudre les problèmes de votre ordinateur. Toutes vos questions répondues !
    2 heures par mois
  • Temps de réponse (à partir de la création du ticket)
    Notre réponse à vos problèmes informatiques
    Le même jour
  • TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security

  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention

  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.

  • Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.

  • Optimization
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.

  • Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.
  • OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.
  • Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.
  • Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you
  • VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else
  • Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.
  • Heures d'ouverture
    08h00 - 21h00 / Lun - Ven
  • Aide et assistance de professionnels informatiques certifiés
    Nous vous aidons à résoudre les problèmes de votre ordinateur. Toutes vos questions répondues !
    5 heures par mois
  • Temps de réponse (à partir de la création du ticket)
    Notre réponse à vos problèmes informatiques
    Maximum 3 heures
  • TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security

  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention

  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.

  • Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.

  • Optimization
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.

  • Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.

  • OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.

  • Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.

  • Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you


  • VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else
  • Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.
  • Heures d'ouverture
    08h00 — 21h00 / 365 jours
  • Aide et assistance de professionnels informatiques certifiés
    Nous vous aidons à résoudre les problèmes de votre ordinateur. Toutes vos questions répondues !
    Nombre d'heures illimité
  • Temps de réponse (à partir de la création du ticket)
    Notre réponse à vos problèmes informatiques
  • TrustTech365 Security
    Next generation cyber security

  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Innovative technology for threat prevention

  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protects your browsing and blocks advertising leading to shady websites or software downloads, Free 30-day trial.

  • Clean up
    A thorough and comprehensive clean up by our certified technicians to remove any malicious traces and unwanted program.

  • Optimization
    An optimization procedure will be performed on your device, to make it run as fast and smooth as possible.

  • Transferable Subscription (from PC to PC)
    Transfer your subscription to another computer quickly and easily.

  • OS Upgrade service
    We can upgrade the Operating System of your device throughout the entire subscription period. Please note that upgrading Windows OS may require an additional purchase of a product key.

  • Software install and uninstall service
    We install new products you might have purchased and make sure installation goes correct and the program(s) have the right settings for you. We also make sure you obtain complete un-installations of any unwanted program(s) on your PC.

  • Updates & PC maintenance checks
    Pro-active maintenance checks to keep your computer running smooth. Our agents will reach out to you


  • VIP Treatment
    Get updates and special deals before anyone else

  • Personal IT Support
    Throughout your entire subscription period you will always have the same IT supporter allocated to you in order to secure the best, fastest and most continuous service possible.


  • 36 mois (3 ans) à l'avance + 24 mois GRATUITS
    36 mois (3 ans) à l'avance + 24 mois GRATUITS
  • 24 mois (2 ans) à l'avance + 12 mois GRATUITS
    24 mois (2 ans) à l'avance + 12 mois GRATUITS
  • 12 mois (1 an) à l'avance + 3 mois GRATUITS
    12 mois (1 an) à l'avance + 3 mois GRATUITS
  • 6 mois à l'avance
    6 mois à l'avance
  • 36 mois (3 ans) à l'avance + 24 mois GRATUITS

    13.31 € / mois

    60 mois / 799 €

  • 24 mois (2 ans) à l'avance + 12 mois GRATUITS

    17.48 € / mois

    36 mois / 629 €

  • 12 mois (1 an) à l'avance + 3 mois GRATUITS

    29.94 € / mois

    15 mois / 449 €

  • 6 mois à l'avance

    44.85 € / mois

    6 mois / 269 €

  • 36 mois (3 ans) à l'avance + 24 mois GRATUITS

    14.79 € / mois

    60 mois / 889 €

  • 24 mois (2 ans) à l'avance + 12 mois GRATUITS

    21.22 € / mois

    36 mois / 764 €

  • 12 mois (1 an) à l'avance + 3 mois GRATUITS

    39.53 € / mois

    15 mois / 593 €

  • 6 mois à l'avance

    52.35 € / mois

    6 mois / 314 €

  • 36 mois (3 ans) à l'avance + 24 mois GRATUITS

    19.49 € / mois

    60 mois / 1169 €

  • 24 mois (2 ans) à l'avance + 12 mois GRATUITS

    24.97 € / mois

    36 mois / 899 €

  • 12 mois (1 an) à l'avance + 3 mois GRATUITS

    41.94 € / mois

    15 mois / 629 €

  • 6 mois à l'avance

    59.85 € / mois

    6 mois / 359 €

Google Reviews

Ce que nos utilisateurs disent de notre service


7,976 reviews
Lucie M.
Lucie M.
Trust Technology m'a offert le meilleur service client ! je reviendrai vraiment incroyable, merci beaucoup !!!
Katty L.
Katty L.
Trust Tech was extremely helpful and very patient with my husband to resolve our issue.
Nathalia P.
Nathalia P.
La experiencia fue excelente para resolver mi problema hoy.
George BA.
George BA.
Representative did an excellent job working with myself and cleaning and upgrading my computer
Jose Ar.
Jose Ar.
¡Fue muy útil! Pude hacer funcionar mi impresora. Fue de gran ayuda y ahora puedo seguir imprimiendo! Gracias.

Sécurité et support informatique pour aider les utilisateurs finaux et les entreprises
vivez une expérience sans souci avec tout ce qui concerne la technologie.


Sans titre

Obtén una verificación de estado del dispositivo GRATIS

Escanear – Arreglar – Registro de usuario


¿Cómo funciona ?


¡Elija el plan adecuado para usted!

A Una revisión y corrección GRATUITA del estado del dispositivo por parte de uno de nuestros asistentes de soporte.

Si se necesitan diagnósticos y limpiezas más exhaustivos, se requiere un plan de seguridad y soporte activo antes de poder conectarse con uno de nuestros expertos certificados en Windows, Android, iOS o MAC.

  • Horario de atención
    Horario de atención
  • Ayuda y soporte de profesionales de TI certificados
    Ayudamos a solucionar problemas en su computadora. ¡Todas tus preguntas respondidas!
    Ayuda y soporte de profesionales de TI certificados
    Ayudamos a solucionar problemas en su computadora. ¡Todas tus preguntas respondidas!
  • Tiempo de respuesta (desde la creación del ticket)
    Nuestra respuesta a los problemas o incidencias de su ordenador
    Tiempo de respuesta (desde la creación del ticket)
    Nuestra respuesta a los problemas o incidencias de su ordenador
  • TrustTech365 Seguridad
    Ciberseguridad de próxima generación
    TrustTech365 Seguridad
    Ciberseguridad de próxima generación
  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Tecnología innovadora para la prevención de amenazas
    TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Tecnología innovadora para la prevención de amenazas
  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protege su navegación y bloquea la publicidad que conduce a sitios web sospechosos o descargas de software, prueba gratuita de 30 días
    TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protege su navegación y bloquea la publicidad que conduce a sitios web sospechosos o descargas de software, prueba gratuita de 30 días
  • Limpieza
    Una limpieza exhaustiva y exhaustiva por parte de nuestros técnicos certificados para eliminar cualquier rastro malicioso y programa no deseado.
    Una limpieza exhaustiva y exhaustiva por parte de nuestros técnicos certificados para eliminar cualquier rastro malicioso y programa no deseado.
  • Optimización
    Se realizará un procedimiento de optimización en su dispositivo, para que funcione lo más rápido y sin problemas posible.
    Se realizará un procedimiento de optimización en su dispositivo, para que funcione lo más rápido y sin problemas posible.
  • Suscripción transferible (de PC a PC)
    Transfiere tu suscripción a otro ordenador de forma rápida y sencilla.
    Suscripción transferible (de PC a PC)
    Transfiere tu suscripción a otro ordenador de forma rápida y sencilla.
  • Servicio de actualización del sistema operativo
    Actualizar el sistema operativo de su dispositivo durante todo el período de suscripción. Tenga en cuenta que la actualización del sistema operativo Windows puede requerir la compra adicional de una clave de producto.
    Servicio de actualización del sistema operativo
    Actualizar el sistema operativo de su dispositivo durante todo el período de suscripción. Tenga en cuenta que la actualización del sistema operativo Windows puede requerir la compra adicional de una clave de producto.
  • Servicio de instalación y desinstalación de software
    Instalamos nuevos productos que haya comprado y nos aseguramos de que la instalación sea correcta y de que los programas tengan la configuración correcta para usted. También nos aseguramos de que desinstale por completo cualquier programa no deseado en su PC.
    Servicio de instalación y desinstalación de software
    Instalamos nuevos productos que haya comprado y nos aseguramos de que la instalación sea correcta y de que los programas tengan la configuración correcta para usted. También nos aseguramos de que desinstale por completo cualquier programa no deseado en su PC.
  • Actualizaciones y comprobaciones
    de mantenimiento del PC Comprobaciones de mantenimiento proactivas para mantener el funcionamiento de su ordenador sin problemas. Nuestros agentes se pondrán en contacto con usted
    Actualizaciones y comprobaciones
    de mantenimiento del PC Comprobaciones de mantenimiento proactivas para mantener el funcionamiento de su ordenador sin problemas. Nuestros agentes se pondrán en contacto con usted
  • Tratamiento VIP Recibe
    actualizaciones y ofertas especiales antes que nadie
    Tratamiento VIP Recibe
    actualizaciones y ofertas especiales antes que nadie
  • Soporte personal de TI
    lo largo de todo el período de suscripción, siempre tendrá asignado al mismo soporte de TI para garantizar el mejor, el más rápido y el más continuo servicio posible.
    Soporte personal de TI
    lo largo de todo el período de suscripción, siempre tendrá asignado al mismo soporte de TI para garantizar el mejor, el más rápido y el más continuo servicio posible.
  • Horario de atención
    10:00 — 18:00 / Lunes - Viernes
  • Ayuda y soporte de profesionales de TI certificados
    Ayudamos a solucionar problemas en su computadora. ¡Todas tus preguntas respondidas!
    2 Horas al mes
  • Tiempo de respuesta (desde la creación del ticket)
    Nuestra respuesta a los problemas o incidencias de su ordenador
    El mismo día
  • TrustTech365 Seguridad
    Ciberseguridad de próxima generación

  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Tecnología innovadora para la prevención de amenazas

  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protege su navegación y bloquea la publicidad que conduce a sitios web sospechosos o descargas de software, prueba gratuita de 30 días

  • Limpieza
    Una limpieza exhaustiva y exhaustiva por parte de nuestros técnicos certificados para eliminar cualquier rastro malicioso y programa no deseado.

  • Optimización
    Se realizará un procedimiento de optimización en su dispositivo, para que funcione lo más rápido y sin problemas posible.

  • Suscripción transferible (de PC a PC)
    Transfiere tu suscripción a otro ordenador de forma rápida y sencilla.
  • Servicio de actualización del sistema operativo
    Actualizar el sistema operativo de su dispositivo durante todo el período de suscripción. Tenga en cuenta que la actualización del sistema operativo Windows puede requerir la compra adicional de una clave de producto.
  • Servicio de instalación y desinstalación de software
    Instalamos nuevos productos que haya comprado y nos aseguramos de que la instalación sea correcta y de que los programas tengan la configuración correcta para usted. También nos aseguramos de que desinstale por completo cualquier programa no deseado en su PC.
  • Actualizaciones y comprobaciones
    de mantenimiento del PC Comprobaciones de mantenimiento proactivas para mantener el funcionamiento de su ordenador sin problemas. Nuestros agentes se pondrán en contacto con usted
  • Tratamiento VIP Recibe
    actualizaciones y ofertas especiales antes que nadie
  • Soporte personal de TI
    lo largo de todo el período de suscripción, siempre tendrá asignado al mismo soporte de TI para garantizar el mejor, el más rápido y el más continuo servicio posible.
  • Horario de atención
    08:00 - 21:00 / Lunes - Viernes
  • Ayuda y soporte de profesionales de TI certificados
    Ayudamos a solucionar problemas en su computadora. ¡Todas tus preguntas respondidas!
    5 Horas al mes
  • Tiempo de respuesta (desde la creación del ticket)
    Nuestra respuesta a los problemas o incidencias de su ordenador
    Máximo 3 horas
  • TrustTech365 Seguridad
    Ciberseguridad de próxima generación

  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Tecnología innovadora para la prevención de amenazas

  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protege su navegación y bloquea la publicidad que conduce a sitios web sospechosos o descargas de software, prueba gratuita de 30 días

  • Limpieza
    Una limpieza exhaustiva y exhaustiva por parte de nuestros técnicos certificados para eliminar cualquier rastro malicioso y programa no deseado.

  • Optimización
    Se realizará un procedimiento de optimización en su dispositivo, para que funcione lo más rápido y sin problemas posible.

  • Suscripción transferible (de PC a PC)
    Transfiere tu suscripción a otro ordenador de forma rápida y sencilla.

  • Servicio de actualización del sistema operativo
    Actualizar el sistema operativo de su dispositivo durante todo el período de suscripción. Tenga en cuenta que la actualización del sistema operativo Windows puede requerir la compra adicional de una clave de producto.

  • Servicio de instalación y desinstalación de software
    Instalamos nuevos productos que haya comprado y nos aseguramos de que la instalación sea correcta y de que los programas tengan la configuración correcta para usted. También nos aseguramos de que desinstale por completo cualquier programa no deseado en su PC.

  • Actualizaciones y comprobaciones
    de mantenimiento del PC Comprobaciones de mantenimiento proactivas para mantener el funcionamiento de su ordenador sin problemas. Nuestros agentes se pondrán en contacto con usted


  • Tratamiento VIP Recibe
    actualizaciones y ofertas especiales antes que nadie
  • Soporte personal de TI
    lo largo de todo el período de suscripción, siempre tendrá asignado al mismo soporte de TI para garantizar el mejor, el más rápido y el más continuo servicio posible.
  • Horario de atención
    08:00 — 21:00 / 365 Días
  • Ayuda y soporte de profesionales de TI certificados
    Ayudamos a solucionar problemas en su computadora. ¡Todas tus preguntas respondidas!
    Número ilimitado de horas
  • Tiempo de respuesta (desde la creación del ticket)
    Nuestra respuesta a los problemas o incidencias de su ordenador
  • TrustTech365 Seguridad
    Ciberseguridad de próxima generación

  • TrustTech365 IntelliGuard
    Tecnología innovadora para la prevención de amenazas

  • TrustTech365 SafeBrowse
    Protege su navegación y bloquea la publicidad que conduce a sitios web sospechosos o descargas de software, prueba gratuita de 30 días

  • Limpieza
    Una limpieza exhaustiva y exhaustiva por parte de nuestros técnicos certificados para eliminar cualquier rastro malicioso y programa no deseado.

  • Optimización
    Se realizará un procedimiento de optimización en su dispositivo, para que funcione lo más rápido y sin problemas posible.

  • Suscripción transferible (de PC a PC)
    Transfiere tu suscripción a otro ordenador de forma rápida y sencilla.

  • Servicio de actualización del sistema operativo
    Actualizar el sistema operativo de su dispositivo durante todo el período de suscripción. Tenga en cuenta que la actualización del sistema operativo Windows puede requerir la compra adicional de una clave de producto.

  • Servicio de instalación y desinstalación de software
    Instalamos nuevos productos que haya comprado y nos aseguramos de que la instalación sea correcta y de que los programas tengan la configuración correcta para usted. También nos aseguramos de que desinstale por completo cualquier programa no deseado en su PC.

  • Actualizaciones y comprobaciones
    de mantenimiento del PC Comprobaciones de mantenimiento proactivas para mantener el funcionamiento de su ordenador sin problemas. Nuestros agentes se pondrán en contacto con usted


  • Tratamiento VIP Recibe
    actualizaciones y ofertas especiales antes que nadie

  • Soporte personal de TI
    lo largo de todo el período de suscripción, siempre tendrá asignado al mismo soporte de TI para garantizar el mejor, el más rápido y el más continuo servicio posible.


  • 36 meses (3 años) por adelantado + 24 meses GRATIS
    36 meses (3 años) por adelantado + 24 meses GRATIS
  • 24 meses (2 años) por adelantado + 12 meses GRATIS
    24 meses (2 años) por adelantado + 12 meses GRATIS
  • 12 meses (1 año) por adelantado + 3 meses GRATIS
    12 meses (1 año) por adelantado + 3 meses GRATIS
  • 6 meses por adelantado
    6 meses por adelantado
  • 36 meses (3 años) por adelantado + 24 meses GRATIS

    13.31 € / mes

    60 meses / 799 €

  • 24 meses (2 años) por adelantado + 12 meses GRATIS

    17.48 € / mes

    36 meses / 629 €

  • 12 meses (1 año) por adelantado + 3 meses GRATIS

    29.94 € / mes

    15 meses / 449 €

  • 6 meses por adelantado

    44.85 € / mes

    6 meses / 269 €

  • 36 meses (3 años) por adelantado + 24 meses GRATIS

    14.79 € / mes

    60 meses / 889 €

  • 24 meses (2 años) por adelantado + 12 meses GRATIS

    21.22 € / mes

    36 meses / 764 €

  • 12 meses (1 año) por adelantado + 3 meses GRATIS

    39.53 € / mes

    15 meses / 593 €

  • 6 meses por adelantado

    52.35 € / mes

    6 meses / 314 €

  • 36 meses (3 años) por adelantado + 24 meses GRATIS

    19.49 € / mes

    60 meses / 1169 €

  • 24 meses (2 años) por adelantado + 12 meses GRATIS

    24.97 € / mes

    36 meses / 899 €

  • 12 meses (1 año) por adelantado + 3 meses GRATIS

    41.94 € / mes

    15 meses / 629 €

  • 6 meses por adelantado

    59.85 € / mes

    6 meses / 359 €

Google Reviews

Lo que nuestros usuarios dicen sobre nuestro servicio


7,976 reviews
Nathalia P.
Nathalia P.
La experiencia fue excelente para resolver mi problema hoy.
Jose Ar.
Jose Ar.
¡Fue muy útil! Pude hacer funcionar mi impresora. Fue de gran ayuda y ahora puedo seguir imprimiendo! Gracias.
Lucie M.
Lucie M.
Trust Technology m'a offert le meilleur service client ! je reviendrai vraiment incroyable, merci beaucoup !!!
Katty L.
Katty L.
Trust Tech was extremely helpful and very patient with my husband to resolve our issue.
George BA.
George BA.
Representative did an excellent job working with myself and cleaning and upgrading my computer

Sécurité et support informatique pour aider les utilisateurs finaux et les entreprises
vivez une expérience sans souci avec tout ce qui concerne la technologie.


Sans titre